We will choose the right exercises, the most appropriated training intensity and volume to suit your very specific needs.


Training at GottaBeFit during pregnancy will enhance your strength,  the strength of your postural muscles and your deep abdominal muscles (Core),  therefore improving the quality of your physic and decreasing the chances of a possible injury due to the excessive stress on your lower back, hips and knees.


Post pregnancy training will be about getting back in shape easily without disrupting your motherhood needs and reinforcing the strength and functionality of your core muscles either you had a natural labour or a c-section.


We also will guide you towards a clean and healthy nutrition, as it will play a extremely important role during this beautiful phase.

We have the experience & qualifications.

As a mother herself, our lead female trainer Ana understands about everything involved in pregnancy, delivering and also welcoming a new life into your home.


Now is the time to "give it a go" and try GottaBeFit.

Life is better when you are fit

Benefits of moderate exercise during and after pregnancy

Reducing arthritis

Exercise can have many benefits for people with arthritis. Regular physical activity can reduce some of the symptoms of arthritis, and improve joint mobility and strength. Helpful exercises may include warm-water exercise, tai chi, resistance training, dancing, swimming, walking and chair exercises.

Preventing osteoporosis

Evidence from a variety of sources indicates that exercise can increase the mineral content of bone, raising the expectation that exercise programs may be effective therapy for the treatment of osteoporosis, and the prevention of hip and spinal fractures.

Managing diabetes

Regular exercise is an important part of your diabetes management. If you are on insulin, it will help your insulin to work more efficiently and assist with your blood glucose control.

Reducing obesity

If you want to lose weight, it’s important to combine healthy eating with regular exercise and physical activity. Australians are recommended to get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, preferably all, days of the week.

Try these pre and post pregnancy exercises